1. Papeles del Psicólogo / Psychologist Papers is a bilingual journal, which publishes papers in Spanish and English relating to the professional field of psychology, mainly in the applied and professional aspects.
2. The papers submitted for publication must be unpublished and they must not be submitted simultaneously to another journal.
3. The writing of the articles must comply with the publication rules of the APA (2010). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).Washington, DC: Author. www.apastyle.org.
4. Papers shall have a maximum of 6000 words (including the references, figures and tables).
The first page should contain: the title in Spanish and English. The name, profession and place of work of each author. The name and address of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Telephone number, fax and email contact details. The second page must include an abstract of no more than 150 words in Spanish and English, as well as key words in both languages.
5. Papeles del Psicólogo / Psychologist Papers will immediately acknowledge receipt of any article received. The documents will not be returned and correspondence will not be maintained regarding them. Within a maximum period of 90 days an answer will be given as to whether or not the paper has been accepted for publication.
6. All documents published in Papeles del Psicólogo / Psychologist Papers are previously evaluated anonymously by experts to ensure the scientific quality and rigor of the papers, as well as their practical interest to readers. The following may not be evaluated: empirical and experimental studies that are more appropriate for specialised journals; manuscripts whose writing style is also highly specialised and does not correspond to the spectrum of readers of the journal; articles addressing issues that have been covered recently and do not offer relevant contributions to what has already been published; or papers whose wording does not reach the required standard.
7. The papers are to be submitted through this website www.papelesdelpsicologo.es / www.psychologistpapers.com (following the instructions found in the section "SUBMIT"). Receipt will be acknowledged immediately and, in the shortest possible time, an answer will be given concerning acceptance.
Once a manuscript has successfully been submitted via the online submission system authors may track the status of their manuscript using the online submission system (details will be provided by e-mail).
Once the uploading is done, the system automatically generates an electronic (PDF) proof, which is then used for reviewing. All correspondence, including the EditorĀ“s decision and request for revisions, will be processed through the system and will reach the corresponding author by e-mail.
Authors may send queries concerning the submission process or journal procedures to the Editorial Offices: Contact Form
8. The papers under review for Papeles del Psicólogo / Psychologist Papers may address any of the following issues:
Practical implications of empirical research(research + practice); the implementation of issues generally unknown to researchers.
Research and development; development and innovation (R&D and innovation) (new practices or solutions of choice in specific areas); evaluations (analysis and critique of emerging trends from the perspective of their practical application).
Reviews, states of the question, updates and meta-analysis of subjects within applied psychology
Contrasting opinions, debates, professional policies and letters to the editor (Forum).
Additionally, the Editorial Committee may assign specific articles to well-known authors or propose special monographic issues.
9. The acceptance of a paper for publication entails the transfer of the copyright from the author/s to the Spanish Psychological Association.
Another aspect of the JournalĀ“s new policy concerns the Conflict of Interest. All authors are requested to disclose any actual or potential conflict of interest including any financial, personal or other relationships with other people or organizations.
The views, opinions, findings, conclusions and recommendations in any article in Papeles del Psicólogo / Psychologist Papers are solely those of the authors of those articles and do not neccessarily reflect the views, policy or position of the Journal or its Publisher.